Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development
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Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development  
  Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development--2016, 10 (4)   Published: 30 December 2016
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Layered Decomposing Method for Dynamic Stability Controlling Criterion of Asphalt-Surface Course

XU Ze-ren, GUAN Hong-xin
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 1-6.
Show Abstract ( 184 )
This paper proposes an equation to decompose the dynamic stability (DS) and its controlling criterion of an asphalt surface course into DS of the asphalt mixture layer. Wheel tracking tests are conducted on an asphalt mixture and the corresponding surface course. Results are regressed to determine equation coefficients. Various combination schemes of the controlling criterion for DS and thickness are obtained from each layer. Analytical result shows that (1) the decomposition equation can be used to effectively unify the rutting resistance performance between the surfaces and layers of the pavement; (2)The optimum structure combination scheme can be selected from various combination schemes of DS controlling criterion; (3) The obtained DS controlling criterion of each layer considers the layer location of the asphalt mixture and layer thickness. This feature compensates the limitations of current specifications.

Study on Positioning Technology of Mileage Piles Based on Multi-sensor Information Fusion

MA Rong-gui, MA Zi-han, WANG Yi-xin
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 7-12.
Show Abstract ( 172 )
Mileage piles is an effective flag to pavement information positioning. However, the problems in positioning inaccuracies and error accumulation remain. By analyzing the primary errors in traditional mileage positioning, a positioning technology of mileage piles based on multi-sensor information fusion was proposed. This can avoid the accumulation of errors in every kilometer using GPS and road environment video. The gyroscope was used as a substitute when the GPS signal is missing and was also used to correct the swing error. The hectometer stake can be obtained by interpolating with the data of the photoelectric encoder. Experiments showed that the maximum mileage piles positioning error did not go over 1 m and the maximum hectometer stakes mileage piles positioning error did not go over 2.5 m.

Mechanical Analysis of Asphalt Pavements with a Graded Crushed Stone Base under Dynamic Load

GUO Yin-chuan, WANG Sheng-nan, RUAN Cheng-hao, SHEN Ai-qin, WANG Li-gen
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 13-20.
Show Abstract ( 167 )
Using a flexible asphalt pavement structure with a graded crushed stone base is an effective means to solve reflection cracking, which frequently occurs in the semi-rigid asphalt pavements in Xinjiang. Control indicators are analyzed based on the damage form of the flexible asphalt pavement with a graded crushed stone base. Subsequently, the changing rule of the mechanical response of the pavement structure under different dynamic loading conditions is studied, which provides a theoretical basis for designing this type of pavement in Xinjiang. A 3D model with a half-sine dynamic load is built using the finite element analysis software ANSYS. Then, explicit calculation is performed using the nonlinear finite element analysis program LS-DYNA. Analysis results show that (1) tensile stress on the asphalt layer is sensitive to vehicle speed, (2) the thickness of the surface layer significantly influences shear stress on the graded crushed stone layer, and (3) the 10 cm-thick asphalt surface is an inflection point of the changing curve of the asphalt tensile stress and shear stress indicators of the graded crushed stone layer.

Study on Linear Expansion Performance of AR-SMA-13 Rubber Asphalt Mixture in Marshall Test

FENG Zhi-jiao, FENG Xiao-wei, FENG Yue
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 21-26.
Show Abstract ( 170 )
The compaction degree of asphalt mixture directly affects the tensile or compressive strength of pavement, given that high elastic crumb rubber exists in asphalt rubber mixtures and the characteristics of asphalt rubber mixtures are quite different from ordinary ones. Asphalt rubber mixture AR-SMA-13 was used in Marshall compaction tests with different crumb rubber contents, oil-stone ratios, fine control rates, and compaction work (frequency) to measure the heights of samples after compaction and cooling. The relationships between the linear expansion rate of Marshall samples and the above factors are analyzed, and the correlation between the linear expansion performance of asphalt rubber mixture and volume indicator is analyzed. Results show the following:(1) the linear expansion rate of the Marshall sample of the AR-SMA-13 asphalt rubber mixture increases logarithmically with the increase of rubber powder content; (2) the linear expansion rate of the Marshall samples grows linearly with a 0.075 mm increase in the passing rate of the composite material; (3) the mixture void fraction decreases and its linear expansion rate increases with the growth in compaction work; (4) the established linear expansion prediction model can effectively simulate the experimental data; and (5) larger value of compactness indicates greater linear expansion rate of the asphalt rubber mixture AR-SMA-13.

Influence of an Early-Strength Agent on the Frost Resistance of a Cement-Stabilized Material

SONG Yun-lian, WANG Ying-dan, DING Nan
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 27-33.
Show Abstract ( 129 )
The influence of an early-strength agent on the frost resistance of a cement-stabilized macadam material used in road engineering was explored by mixing 5% cement into the cement mixture in accordance with the engineering design ratio. Subsequently, the cement was replaced by the early-strength agent with dosages of 0, 8, 10, 12, 14%, and 16% according to the cement dosage. All the freeze-thaw test specimens were then prepared and used in the experiment. The water absorption rate and its change trend, mass loss rate after several freeze-thaw cycles, and unconfined compressive strength before and after the freeze-thaw cycle were analyzed based on the experimental data. The frost resistance coefficient of the cement-stabilized macadam material with different early-strength agent dosages was calculated according to the experimental data. Experimental results show that the early-strength agent can reduce the water absorption rate and mass loss rate of the material and improve the unconfined compressive strength and the frost resistance coefficient before and after freezing-thawing of the material. Furthermore, the frost resistance coefficient increases as the early-strength agent dosage increases. Therefore, the early-strength agent can both enhance the construction speed in road engineering and impede the damage caused by freezing-thawing on the cement-stabilized macadam material effectively.

Design of a Rut-resistant Asphalt Mixture Using the Simplified Multilevel Mixing Method

CAI Xu, ZHU Feng-dan, WANG Duan-yi, WU Kuang-huai, YANG Guo-liang
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 34-39.
Show Abstract ( 96 )
The multilevel mixing method for aggregate gradation design was optimized based on the division of the functions of coarse and fine aggregates. The mixing procedures were simplified. The mixing process for fine aggregates was omitted to avoid segregation during the mixing process for coarse and fine aggregates. The calculation method for the ratio of coarse aggregates to fine aggregates was redesigned to consider the volume interference of mineral powder. The volume relationship between mineral powder and asphalt was established by controlling their ratio. Accordingly, the optimal asphalt aggregate ratio was obtained to guarantee the anti-rutting performance of the mixture. The performances of the mixtures designed using this new method were verified via the Marshall stability test, and their rut-resistant capabilities were compared with those of the AC-13 and SMA-13 asphalt mixtures. Results show that the technical indicators of the MLB-13 mixture fulfill the relevant requirements of the standard and demonstrate reasonable rut-resistant performance.

Research on Silty Soil Capillary Water Rising in Yellow River Flooded Area of Eastern Henan

YUAN Yu-qing, ZHAO Li-min, LI Wei, CAO Rong-chuan
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 40-46.
Show Abstract ( 149 )
Numerical simulations and laboratory tests on soil samples with compaction degrees of 94%, 96%, and 98% are carried out to study the laws of capillary water rising and control techniques. The silty soil samples are obtained from the Yellow River flooded area of eastern Henan. The relation formulas between capillary water rising height and time are obtained through fitting. Results show that (1) the rising height gradually stabilized with the passage of time, reached about 130 cm on the 10th day, and eventually arrived at a maximum height of 285 cm; (2) the rising speed of capillary water was inversely proportional to the degree of compaction, especially when reaching the minimum rising height and speed with a compaction degree of 98%; and (3) the graded crushed stone, cement stabilized soil, and fiber cement stabilized soil effectively eliminated the rising of capillary water. Thus, properly increasing the compaction degree of the subgrade and adding a blocking layer of capillary water prevent the capillary water from rising, which improves the water stability of the subgrade.

Study of Pore Volume Fractal Dimension for Different Air Content Cement Mortar

MA Li, LI Sheng, WANG Qi-cai, YU Ben-tian, LIU Ya-peng
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 47-54.
Show Abstract ( 169 )
The pore structure parameter of cement mortar with different air contents was tested through Automatic Mercury Porosimeter and Air Void Analysis of Hardened Concrete. A fractal model based on the thermodynamic method was used in the calculation of different scale pore structure fractal dimensions of cement mortar. The relationships between fractal dimensions and porosity, average pore diameter, pore specific surface area, pore spacing coefficient, and total pore volume were analyzed. Results show that the fractal dimension presents multiplicity, which is calculated by the fractal model based on thermodynamics; it can represent the complexity of cement mortar very well. The increase of air content increases the fractal dimension by more than 102 nm pore diameter, and the fractal dimension decreased while the pore diameter was under 102 nm. The increase in age decreases the fractal dimension in the range of 103 nm to 104 nm, and the others showed an increasing trend. The fractal dimension has good correlation with porosity, average pore diameter, and total pore volume among the pore structure parameters and has poor correlation with pore specific surface area in the range of 103 nm to 104 nm and pore diameter in the range of 102 mm to 103 nm. In considering that the pore diameters ranging from 102 nm to 103 nm have a high proportion in the total pores, they can be used as a unified fractal dimension to signify the change of pore structure parameters.

Analysis of Structural Types and Mechanical Performance of Steel-concrete Connections without Cells

ZHANG Kai, LIU Yong-jian, JU Ming-jie, LIU Jiang
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 55-62.
Show Abstract ( 196 )
Steel-concrete connections, as key components of hybrid bridges, present a complex structural type and mechanical behavior. On the basis of the steel-concrete connections in the Lichuan Bridge, a numerical analysis was performed in this work to comprehensively investigate the mechanical performances of each structural component and compare the characteristics of different connector types between two different schemes. Results show that the perfobond strip and stud connectors in the steel-concrete connections of the Lichuan Bridge exhibit a non-uniform mechanical behavior in the direction of the bridge midline. The connectors in the end areas near the bearing plate demonstrate a large inner force. Normal stress on the top flange is neither transversely nor uniformly distributed in the steel-concrete connections under hogging moment, but the arrangement of tendons affects the distribution of normal stress on the top flange. The mutation part of the stiffening ribs in a steel beam shows increased stress concentration. However, the two connector types only slightly influence the stress of concrete and steel flange.

Optimization of Deceleration Markings of Visual Illusion in a Highway Tunnel

SHI Xiao-hua, DU Zhi-gang, ZHOU Li-ping, LI Ping-fan
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 63-70.
Show Abstract ( 312 )
In order to improve the deceleration effect in the highway tunnel, the design method of visual information with high and low frequency combined is proposed. Through using 3ds Max software design driving video, and set up illusion combination marking in high frequency (8-16 Hz) and low frequency (0.2-4 Hz) in the tunnel side wall, this paper completed the psychophysical experiments of speed perception about a single frequency and a series of combination of high and low frequency of visual information by E-prime2.0 software, the degree of speed illusion is different under different information, so visual illusion is analyzed on the lines of deceleration effect. Conclusion:Multi frequency combined information makes speed perception overestimate of drivers, and the driver's speed overestimation degree is 8.21% when High frequency and low frequency information are 12 Hz and 0.2 Hz respectively, which is in the reasonable scope, at the same time the driver's shortest reaction time is 2.08 s. On this basis, by the safety distance model, in the highway tunnel the speed calculated is at least 67 m so that it can keep a safe distance, it decreases 25.6% compared with the traditional safety distance 90 m, it conforms to the actual driving conditions and provide the certain reference of the safety specification for driving inside the tunnel.

Traffic Safety Evaluation Method for Highways Based on Improved Grey Correlation-combination Weighting Method

YANG Chun-feng, GAO Heng-nan, SUN Ji-shu, MIAO Da-ping
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 71-77.
Show Abstract ( 270 )
In order to solve the haphazard and limitations caused by single weighting in highway traffic safety evaluation methods, considering the aspects of road alignment, road conditions, safety facilities, and traffic environment, a two-level indicator system for highway safety level evaluation is established. Combining the common subjective weighting and objective weighting features, an optimized highway safety evaluation model is established on the basis of consistency checking and improved grey correlation-combination weighting method. The result of the case shows that the application of improved grey correlation-combination weighting method not only can effectively evaluate the overall safety of highways and get the safety level for the constructed highway safety evaluation system but also can determine the index weight and its impact degree on traffic safety in the evaluation of a particular project.

A Method for Constructing Reliability Target Load Spectrum of Taxi Customers

LI Wen-liang, ZHOU Wei, DONG Xuan, ZHANG Lu
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 78-82.
Show Abstract ( 117 )
A method for constructing load spectrum based on typical working condition data acquisition and velocity distribution is presented to improve the authenticity and effectiveness of customer reliability target load spectrum. Normal distribution parameters of taxi daily mileage are estimated with least squares method, and customer target total mileage is calculated. Based on the same velocity distributions of the total sample and customer typical loads, the model of customer typical loads is established. The velocity distributions of the total sample and the measured load are statistically analyzed using GPS data, and the model parameters of customer typical loads are calculated to realize the reconstruction of typical loads. According to the reconstructed customer typical load data and total target mileage, the customer reliability target load spectrum is obtained through extrapolation. Results show that the customer reliability target load spectrum constructed with velocity distribution is accurate and effective in reflecting customer actual use conditions.

Analysis of Pedestrian Crossing Speed in Unsignalized Controlled Sections

Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 83-88.
Show Abstract ( 110 )
The data sample of pedestrian crossing speeds on five pedestrian crosswalks in Zhenjiang is collected to analyze the average crossing speed of pedestrians in unsignalized controlled sections. The average speed of each type of crossing pedestrians is also obtained. The model verification is conducted using the SPSS software on the basis of the analysis result of the influences of age and gender, crossing mode, and interference factors of pedestrians on the average crossing speed. In model verification, the average speed of pedestrian crossing is regarded as the dependent variable and pedestrian age and gender, crossing mode, whether or not the pedestrian is running, whether not the pedestrian is using a mobile phone, and whether or not with load as the variables. The result shows that youth, juvenile, and whether with load exert no significant influence on pedestrian crossing speed. A linear regression model of pedestrian crossing speed is established on the basis of the remarkable variables. The linear regression equation coefficient is calibrated.

Parking Fees: A Key to the Success of Proposed Park and Ride

HE Bao-hong, HE Yan, LI Zhen-hui
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 89-95.
Show Abstract ( 203 )
As a measure of total demand management, park and ride (P&R) has been widely used in Europe and North America and has been proved to be successful in mitigating congestion and difficulty of finding parking space in urban centers. Many city governments in China are considering this measure to reach the same goals. To understand drivers' willingness to use P&R and the factors that influence drivers' decision to support governments' decision making, we conducted an onsite face-to-face survey in Nanjing, China. We found that the drivers are flexible on parking fees and fuel price. The willingness to use P&R does not guarantee an action to use P&R. Parking fee is critical to the success of P&R, that is, high parking fees and fuel prices would increase the probability of drivers to use P&R. A parking charge may be acceptable, but it should be cheaper than regular parking. P&R should be treated as a non-profit project for public interest. In addition, good transit access plays an important role in intercepting drivers in P&R. The drivers who drive every day show greater interest in P&R than those who drive less frequently. Commuters are hassled by finding a spot to park their cars, and they hope to get to their work locations quickly and cheaply. For bus-oriented P&R, the schedules, routes, and fare are important.

A Method of Optimizing the Work Schedule of Bus Drivers Based on Set Covering Theory

WEI Jin-li, GUO Ya-juan, ZHANG Meng-meng
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 96-101.
Show Abstract ( 199 )
A work schedule optimization model of a bus route is proposed to minimize labor cost by optimizing the work schedule of bus drivers. The mathematical model is constructed using set covering theory to minimize the number of operating buses by considering the bus schedule chain of a single bus line as the research subject, as well as the constraints of vehicle operation task, shift time, and labor rules. In addition, a 0-1 integer programming algorithm based on heuristic method is designed to solve the model. Finally, this algorithm is realized according to the real investigation data of Jinan Public Transit, and the schedule scheme is solved using MATLAB. Experiment result shows that (1) unlike other algorithms, 0-1 integer programming algorithm can shorten the waiting period of drivers and decrease the total work time and personnel cost to reduce the operating costs of the bus company; and (2) the method can protect the working hours of drivers by improving their efficiency, thereby providing a reasonable solution to optimize the work schedule of bus drivers.

Research on Fog and Haze Purification Technology for Highways

LIU Gui-li, HUANG Wen-bo, CHEN Pei-wen, XUE Shao-hua
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development. 2016, 10 (4): 102-110.
Show Abstract ( 160 )
A fog-and-haze purification technology for highways is proposed by analyzing the causes and characteristics of fog and haze and by combining the ground and underground facilities on the highway with a dehumidification and filtration device. A new type of guardrail, which functions as both air spray and suction pipe, is designed. The dehumidification and filtration device, which is connected to these pipes, is installed in the underground space of the highway. Inhaling the fog and haze within a safe driving visual space from the suction pipes as well as dehumidifying and filtering them through the dehumidification and filtration device lead the mist and small particles into the drainage pipeline. The processed dry gas pressurized by a blower with high pressure and temperature is sprayed on the road through the spray pipes. Air purification aims to improve air visibility in the driving area, which can improve the traffic capacity and reduce the accident rate on the highway under hazy and fog weather. This scheme added a solar power system to a new type of slope protection measure combined with electric energy to provide the energy, reduce the cost, and improve the applicability of the technology scheme.
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Supported by: Beijing Magtech