Abstract A facile strategy for obtaining Polyaniline (PANI) composites was reported wherein the reaction is
oxidation polymerization using Dodecylbenzene Sulfonic Acid (DBSA) as the initiator, Polyvinyl Alcohol
(PVA) as the emulsifier, and the Ammonium Peroxydisulfate (APS) as the oxidizing agent. The structure
and performance of PANI composites were investigated. The results indicated that PANI particles can be
dispersed evenly in the PVA matrix, the conductivity and electrochemical properties of the PANI/PVA
composites were affected by the protonic acid content, When n(DBSA)/n(AN) = 1.0 under the same
condition, the conductivity of PANI membrane is up to 1.28 S/cm. From the FTIR spectrum, the
characteristic peaks of PANI at 1459 cm¡1 and 1697 cm¡1 are attributed to the C = C stretching
vibration peak of the quinone ring and the benzene ring and the C = N stretching vibration peak of the
quinone ring. The asymmetric ECD of PANI/PVA composites with copper and silver fabrics have both
three brilliant colors (green - blue - yellow primary colors).
Fund:Project supported by the National Natural Science Funds (60674100) and Nanjing University of Aeronautics
and Astronautics basic scientific research Funds (NS2010069).
Shangtex Holding Co., Ltd, Pingliang Road, Shanghai 200082, China
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