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JFBI -> 2018, Volume 11 Issue 3, 30 September 2018  
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Development of FEA Bioelectromagnetic Model for Male's Electromagnetic Radiation Protective Underwear
Liang Ma, Xin Zhang, Bo-An Ying, Long Wu
JFBI. 2018, 11 (3): 129-140.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00298
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Electromagnetic radiation is the leading cause of diseases in some special environments. With the development of functional clothing design, simulation technology have been increasingly emphasized. Understanding the electromagnetic radiation protective mechanism through a FEA Bionelectromagnetic model is of great significance for male‘s reproductive system protection. This 3D FEA Bionelectromagnetic model includes muscle model, pelvic model, thigh bone model, bladder model, prostate model, and testis model. The influence of silver layer and bronze layer on electromagnetic field shielding within a dressed manikin exposed to 915 MHz were investigated. Simulated results indicated that testis were protected mostly by electromagnetic radiation protective underwear and other tissues have received various degrees of damage. Increasing the fabric thickness was an effective method to reduce the electromagnetic radiation energy. Therefore, it is important to develop a bioelectromagnetic model to research the shielding effectiveness of the product. Taking the value of electric field strength, magnetic strength and SAR to evaluate influence from radiation source. The bioelectromagnetic model could help designers to forecast the performance of electromagnetic radiation protective underwear, and the results provide the basis for optimum design.

Heat Transferring Mechanism through Interlacing Structure Using Finite Element Analysis
Le-Xi Tu, Li-Jun Chen, Sheng-Li Luo, Shao-Wei Chen, Xiao-Juan Jiang,Hua Shen
JFBI. 2018, 11 (3): 141-150.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00306
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Heat transmission in the fabric is strongly related to the thermal comfort, which plays an important role when designing fabrics. In this work, a heterogeneous model constructed according to the internal structure of five woven fabrics was developed to study the heat transmission through fabrics. In this model, heat can transfer along the longitudinal and transverse direction of warp and weft yarn at different rate base on the inputted boundary conditions and constants, such as mass density, specific heat and thermal conductivity. In addition, heat transmission occurring in the contacting interface between the warp and weft yarn was also considered. The validity of this model was then confirmed by the high consistency between the thermal resistance obtained from experiment and simulation. The simulation results suggested that heat mainly transfers inside the same yarn, with only a very small portion of heat exchange between the warp and weft yarn via their contacting region. Besides, the calculated fabric thermal resistance is obviously affected by the size of contacting area between fabric and heat source.
Enhanced Photocatalytic Degradation of Acid Orange 7 by AgBr/BiVO4 under Visible Light
Jian-Hua Ran, Xing Fei, Lv Ni, Felix Telegin
JFBI. 2018, 11 (3): 151-161.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00283
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Recently, the use of co-catalysts has been an important alternative method to improve the visible light photocatalytic activity of pure semiconductor materials. A novel photocatalyst AgBr/BiVO4 was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis and chemical deposition method. The degradation of acid orange 7 was enhanced by AgBr/BiVO4 than pure BiVO4, which was eliminated 92.96% within 80 min under visible light irradiation. It was found that the doping of AgBr could greatly improve the photocatalytic activity of BiVO4 by reducing the recombination of electrons and holes. Prepared photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV-vis diffuse reflectance spectra techniques (UV-vis) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).
Analysis of Basalt and Thermoplastic Hybrid Composites
Hafsa Jamshaid, Rajesh Mishra, Jiri Militky, Tanveer Hussain
JFBI. 2018, 11 (3): 163-174.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00294
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This study focusses on investigations based experiments which are carried out to check the mechanical & thermal properties of woven epoxy composite laminates from Basalt/PP, Basalt/PET fibers and vice versa. Fabricated composite samples are subjected to mechanical and thermal characterization. The results reveal that, there is noticeable improvement in mechanical properties with the change of weaves in basalt hybridized composites. Interfacial linkages/bond between fibers and resin cause a significant modulus increase in composites. Thermal behavior of fiber and composite was observed by Thermal Gravimetric Analysis and Differential Scanning Calorimetric. Thermal properties are also affected by hybridization. Thermal conductivity is strongly affected by resin properties. A demonstration of ruptured surface was done by Fractography. The results show that hybridized basalt in different composites leads to a significant improvement in the dynamic and static mechanical properties of composites. Fiber type, weave structure, and resin properties greatly affect the mechanical properties of composites made with hybrid basalt fabrics.

Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber reinforced Polybutylene Terephthalate Composites
Cheng-Qi Zhang, Zi-Qing Cai, Rui Yang, Lei Wang, Hai-Feng Bao
JFBI. 2018, 11 (3): 175-181.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00284
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This paper studied the mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) composites, selected the different sizing agent to improve the interface binding capacity of carbon fibers (CFs) and PBT. Some CFs were modified with polyvinyl acetate (PVAc), and they were named p-C. Some other CFs were modified by ethylene acrylic acid (EAA), and they were named e-C. After modification, the groups of carboxyl were introduced into the surface of p-C. For e-C, the groups of C=C were introduced. For PBT/p-C composites, the maximum of tensile strength reached 68.22 MPa and elastic modulus reached 3263.18MPa, while the content of CFs is 15 wt.%. For PBT/e-C composites, with addition of the same content of CFs, the tensile strength and elastic modulus could reach 90.76 MPa and 4334.76 MPa respectively. Compared with pure PBT, the mechanical properties of the composites were improved significantly, and the reinforcement effect was more obvious in PBT/e-C composites, because of the better binding capacity between CFs and PBT. The decomposition temperature of the composites was between 378 °C and 417 °C, and they presented better heat resistance property.

Table of Contents - JFBI Vol 11 No 3
JFBI. 2018, 11 (3): 1000-.
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JFBI Vol 11 No 3 Cover
JFBI. 2018, 11 (3): 1001-.
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ISSN 1940-8676
JFBI is Ei Indexed Journal
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Yi Li
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