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JFBI -> 2018, Volume 11 Issue 4, 31 December 2018  
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Preparation and Characterization of the Silk Fibroin 3D Scaffolds with Porous and Interconnected Structure
Jun Song, Xiaoqin Wang, Jiashen Li
JFBI. 2018, 11 (4): 183-195.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00288
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Silk fibroin (SF) is wildly used in the field of biomedical science. Considering the contradiction between suitable pore size and outstanding mechanical properties, this research focused on the topic of preparing the 3D scaffolds with large pore sizes and high interconnectivity. For preparing the silk fibroin 3D scaffold samples, three kinds of porogens were applied in two methods which paraffin spheres were used in freeze-drying. Sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) were used in leaching respectively. Different pore size of porogens were used to control the pore size and porosities of prepared scaffold samples. Some basic properties of scaffold samples were characterized including surface morphology, chemical structure, porosity and mechanical performance. The best porosity of sample reached to 93% in the research.

Exploration and Experimental Research on the Mechanism of Electromagnetic Driven Weft Insertion
Xian-Ze Cui, Chi Zhang, Xiao-Guang Wu,Cheng-jun Zhang, Xiu-Sheng Xu
JFBI. 2018, 11 (4): 197-207.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00300
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In view of the current situation that there exists big impact and friction between the gripper and the guide in the weft insertion mode of the existing gripper loom, this paper puts forward the idea of the electromagnetic-driven two-way weft insertion on gripper in order to improve the energy conversion efficiency, reduce the friction and mechanical vibration. Electromagnetic drive is used as the basic method to study the projecting/braking of the shuttle, and it uses the principle of electromagnetic levitation as the basic principle of the shuttle's weft insertion.
In this paper, a basic model of two-way insertion is established. After ANSYS simulation and experimental analysis, the speed of electromagnetic driving can reach 30m/s. In the electromagnetic levitation stage, PWM modulator and DC power regulation were respectively used to conduct the levitation control experiment. HW101 hall sensor was used to judge the levitation state, and with the assistance of other Operational Amplifier, the requirements of electromagnetic levitation were completed.

Classification of Female Apparel using Convolutional Neural Network
Li Qiao-Qi, Zhong Yue-Qi, Wang Xin
JFBI. 2018, 11 (4): 209-216.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00319
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With the vigorous development of clothing e-commerce, the amount of clothing image data on the internet has increased dramatically. A tedious effort was required to manually label and classify the semantic attributes of clothing images. Manual marking is time-consuming and laborious, so a method of automatic classification using convolutional neural networks was studied. In this paper, a female cloth dataset consisting of 10 types of female clothing was built. Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) was employed to learn the feature vectors for each type. Five different types of architectures, including ResNet50, Inception-v3, and VGG-19, AlexNet, and FashionNet were used for performance comparison. Experimental results have shown that Inception-v3 possesses the highest accuracy (98.07% for training and 96.91% for testing) in clothing classification compared with other methods.

Force Analysis of the Support Belt and Pregnant Woman for Relieving the Pregnancy-related Waist Pain
Xue-lian Kang, Bo-An Ying, Xin Zhang, Jing Qi, Long Wu
JFBI. 2018, 11 (4): 217-226.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00302
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Researching the waist support belt becomes more important. It’s said that the waist support belt can help pregnant women to relieve pregnancy-related pain, but the function of support belt couldn’t be unanimously identified by studies or clinical trials’ confirm at present. In this paper, the force analysis model is established, aiming to detect the role of the waist support belt.
Aiming at the dressing effect is not prominent , when pregnant women just wear the waist support belt. In the paper, analyzing the pain causes of the pregnant women’s waist by the theory of mechanics is the basis of research. Through force analysis, it is effective to know how the support belt plays the role. Then, data by pressure test is used to understand the effect, if the support belt can relieve the waist pain of pregnant women. The result is used to verify the results of force analysis. And the data of pressure can explain its functionality. It provides a evaluation method of waist support belt through force analysis and pressure test.

Effect of Washing and Drying Conditions on Dimensional Change in Various Articles of Knitted Clothing
Yurika Hashimoto, Kyoung Ok Kim,Kazuhiko Hashimoto, Masayuki Takatera
JFBI. 2018, 11 (4): 227-240.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00318
Full Text: PDF (740 KB)  ( 438 )
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We investigated the effect of washing and drying conditions on dimensional change in various articles of knitted clothing, taking into account drying temperature, temperature change during drying, external force at dehydration, external force during drying, and humidity during drying. We immersed samples in water at 25 ± 2 °C for 30 min, then dried them in a chamber at 40, 60, and 80 °C, and at 5% relative humidity (RH). We also investigated the effects of increasing the temperature from 40 to 60 °C and decreasing it from 60 to 40 °C. After dehydration, we dried the samples using a roller and a front-loader washing and drying machine at various humidity levels. We measured dimensional changes in the samples before and after drying. We investigated five samples of knitted clothing: men’s socks, women’s socks, men’s underwear, women’s underwear, and women’s t-shirts. We detected no difference in the dimensional change ratio in the cotton or polyurethane underwear and t-shirts when the drying temperature was varied. However, the dimensional change ratio of acrylic-containing men’s socks varied depending on the drying temperature. When drying acrylic-containing men’s socks from 40 to 60 °C, the dimensional change ratio was larger than under other drying conditions. A lower temperature in the final drying stage could effectively reduce the shrinkage of socks made from acrylic, polyester, and polyurethane. The deformation due to external force during dehydration affected dimensional change. The external force during drying also greatly affected dimensional change in the knitted clothing. The humidity and drying time did not affect dimensional change in the knitted cotton clothing.

Table of Contents - JFBI Vol 11 No 4
JFBI. 2018, 11 (4): 1000-.
Full Text: PDF (33 KB)  ( 13 )
Show Abstract ( 107 )
JFBI Vol 11 No 4 Cover
JFBI. 2018, 11 (4): 1001-.
Full Text: PDF (1855 KB)  ( 10 )
Show Abstract ( 75 )

ISSN 1940-8676
JFBI is Ei Indexed Journal
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Yi Li
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