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JFBI -> 2019, Volume 12 Issue 1, 16 March 2019  
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Differences in Clothing Pressure between Bandages and Stockings
Tamaki Mitsuno, Lijing Wang, Rajiv Padhye
JFBI. 2019, 12 (1): 1-10.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00317
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Bandages and stockings are used in a wide variety of ways to provide pressure in medical application; bandages are used to compress part of the leg while a stocking is used to compress the whole leg. The proper use of a bandage or stocking depends on the healthcare setting. To understand the compression effects of bandages and stockings, the pressure of a bandage was compared with that of a stocking made under the same design conditions using Lycra yarn (4.4 Tex, type: T-127c). Multiple-regression analysis was carried out to clarify the factors affecting clothing pressure. The bandage/stocking clothing pressures were explained by the same three factors (i.e., the stretching rates across the width and along circumference and the radius curvature). The relation between stocking pressure (Y) and bandage pressure (x) was linear; Y = 0.89x (R2= 0.984). The pressure of a stocking needs to be 11% greater than that of a bandage to achieve the same effect.

Inkjet Conductive Inks for Printing Textile Materials and Applications
Yang-Pei-Qi Yi, Yi Li
JFBI. 2019, 12 (1): 11-24.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00310
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The inkjet printing technique has been rapidly developing for the realization of flexible electronic devices.The antennas, sensors and transistors have been successfully introduced on flexible substrates such as glass, silicone and many films. Since the inkjet printing technique is a direct writing process, the benefits include flexible design, low-cost and environmentally friendly. It is also possible to create a high resolution of printed lines. Therefore, this technique is believed to have a great potential for applying on textile substrates. However, the challenge is to ensure that the small droplets can penetrate through the thickness of the fabric in order to spread along the threads. Thus, the uniformity and continuity are not acceptable for practical applications. This paper summarises inkjet printing technologies and potential applications on textile substrates.

The Properties of Wool-based Activated Carbon Tubes Prepared by Potassii with no Gas and Its Mechanism Study
Wen-Yang Tang, Chi-Yu Fu, Jia-xin Yu, Wu Chen
JFBI. 2019, 12 (1): 25-33.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00312
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In this study, the wool-based activated carbon tubes (ACTs) were successfully prepared by potassii as additive. The ACTs had formed a tubular morphology with numerous pores located in both two sides. The mechanism of the tube formation were mainly investigated by removing overlapping scales on the surface of fibers and comparing the effects of experimental parameters. The removal method were carried out by formic acid and ultrasonic wave oscillation. The influence between scales and tubes was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), methylene blue (MB) through discussing the morphology study, thermal property and adsorption capacity of ACTs.The surface morphology of the ACTs were affected by carbonization temperature, while the scale layers has no relations with the formation of a tubular morphology. Scale layers had almost no effects on thermal decomposition because close weight loss between ACKC2 and ACKC5. The adsorption capacity of ACTs from raw wool using two-step method is in the range of 18.50-26.75 mg/g, which was obviously higher than using one-step method with 14.40-84.00 mg/g. The adsorption capacity of ACTs decreased because of the removal of scale layers using one-step, which is contrary to ones using two-step.

Sophisticated Glass Tapes for Fabrication of Composites
Mohanapriya Venkataraman, Jiri Militky, Roman Pulicek, Jana Novotna
JFBI. 2019, 12 (1): 35-42.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00316
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The mechanical properties of fabrics derived from glass tows are excellent. They can be used for reinforcement of composites. In this work, glass fiber based stabilized hybrid composite tapes (SHCT) containing special types of resins which could be used for preparation of composites using precise winding technique was prepared. The resins were loaded by suitable types of nanoparticles that would enhance mechanical properties. Detailed investigation of tensile forces like breaking force, deformation at break and initial modulus was conducted. The results showed a significant difference between the samples. This research achieved loading of resins without its penetration into the winded structure through tight and complicated arrangement of fibrous phase. The tapes were found to be durable that enables their long-term storage and their sustained fit-to-use after extended storage times.

Preparation, Properties and Encapsulation of High Thermostability Phase-change Material
Guo-Qing Zhang, Chang-Wei Cai, Guo-Cheng Zhu, Lan Zhou, Guo-Jin Liu
JFBI. 2019, 12 (1): 43-54.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00307
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Microcapsules containing phase change materials (PCM) have been attracting much attention due to its applications in many energy storage fields. However, most PCM microcapsules have relatively low thermostability with an onset decomposition temperature of about 150 ℃, which to some extent restricts their applications. In this study, high chain ester of dodecanol laurate was first synthesized with raw materials of 1-dodecanol and lauric acid by esterification reaction under catalysis, and then the ester as core material was encapsulated using PMMA by emulsion polymerization. The resultant products, including the ester andthe PCM microcapsules, were respectively characterized by using infrared spectroscopy (IR), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), thermogravimetry (TG), laser particle size analyzer and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The synthesized dodecanol laurate have a high purity according to IR spectrum analysis and suitable phase temperature range of 22-30 ℃ from DSC measurement. In addition, the ester also showed good thermal properties with a latent heat of 206 J/g, small super-cooling degree of 0.5 ℃ and high thermal evaporation temperature of 220 ℃, which would be very suitable for application in PCM energy storage materials. Using the above ester as core material, the PCM microcapsules were successfully fabricated by emulsification and polymerization processes. The prepared microcapsules showed perfect spherical shape with size about 865 nm and high heat storage performance with a latent energy of 118 J/g. Owing to high evaporation temperature of ester core material itself and further encapsulation, the prepared PCM microcapsules showed higher thermostability. TG results suggested that the microcapsules had a high onset weightloss temperature which was over 252 ℃, it was a significant increment comparing to those PCM microcapsules reported by most literatures. Moreover, thermo-regulatingcotton fibers were fabricated by using the above PCM microcapsules. It’s seen that the PCM microcapsules deposited on the fibers uniformly and the fibers had a latent heat of 20.18 J/g.

Table of Contents - JFBI Vol 12 No 1
JFBI. 2019, 12 (1): 1000-1000.
Full Text: PDF (34 KB)  ( 14 )
Show Abstract ( 97 )
JFBI Vol 12 No 1 Cover
JFBI. 2019, 12 (1): 1001-1001.
Full Text: PDF (656 KB)  ( 18 )
Show Abstract ( 93 )

ISSN 1940-8676
JFBI is Ei Indexed Journal
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Yi Li
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