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30 Most Down Articles
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In last 3 years
1 Study on Roadside Accident Prediction of Multi-bridge and Multi-tunnel Section on Expressway in Mountainous Area 2022 Vol.16(4):78-91
SHANG Ting, TANG Jie, HUANG Zheng-dong, ZHOU Liang-yu, WU Peng [Abstract] (155) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2191 KB] (413)
2 Longitudinal and Lateral Coordinated Control of Platoon Based on Improved Intelligent Driver Model 2022 Vol.16(3):85-93
QIN Pin-pin, TAN Hong-yun, ZHANG Shun-feng, LI Zi-ming, HUANG Jun-ming [Abstract] (98) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1558 KB] (240)
3 Research Status Review of Water Stability for Polyurethane Mixture 2022 Vol.16(3):1-6
ZHONG Ke, LI Sheng-liang, SUN Ming-zhi [Abstract] (141) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 382 KB] (210)
4 Analysis on Temperature Sensitivity and Cracking Causes of Suspension Bridge Anchorage Based on Numerical Simulation 2022 Vol.16(4):33-42
JI Wei, ZUO Xin-dai [Abstract] (132) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2411 KB] (179)
5 Study on Noise Reduction and Sound Absorption Performance of Drainage Asphalt Pavement Based on Indoor Tire Accelerated Falling Method 2022 Vol.16(4):1-9
SHI Lei, MENG Xian-dong, DING Run-duo [Abstract] (209) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4580 KB] (131)
6 Study on the Mechanical Behavior of Steel-hybrid Composite Beams Constructed by Suspension Bracing Method 2022 Vol.16(4):52-60
GUAN Xian, TANG Guo-hua [Abstract] (183) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2016 KB] (129)
7 Study on Construction Technology of Large Diameter and Ultra-deep Cement Mixing Pile in Road Engineering 2022 Vol.16(4):10-15
BAO Zhen [Abstract] (144) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1048 KB] (129)
8 Study on Evaluation of Urban Plane interchange Traffic Organization Based on Combined Weighting-TOPSIS Method 2022 Vol.16(3):67-77
ZHUO Ya-juan, JIA Zhi-xuan, HAN Zhi-qiang, LI Ming-lei, CHEN Jia-yi [Abstract] (123) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3458 KB] (125)
9 Analysis on the Influence Factors of the Hydraulic Compactor to Reinforce the Subgrade on the Back of Abutment 2023 Vol.17(1):21-33
PAN Jin-nan, XU Tian-yu [Abstract] (31) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 6803 KB] (117)
10 Numerical Analysis on Top-down Crack in AC Layer of Continuous Reinforced Composite Pavement under Multi-factor Coupling 2022 Vol.16(2):1-14
LUO Yu-hu, TIAN Bo, NIU Kai-min [Abstract] (155) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3428 KB] (108)
11 Design of Main Bridge Deck System of DaoQingzhou River Crossing Passage in Fuzhou 2023 Vol.17(3):16-25
WANG Fan, MA Zheng, CAI Luan [Abstract] (59) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4343 KB] (107)
12 Study on Braking Safety and Reliability of Highway Vehicles under Heavy Rainfall Environment Based on Stopping Sight Distance 2023 Vol.17(1):101-110
SHENG Xu-gao, YU Meng-ge, HUO Wei [Abstract] (54) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1668 KB] (106)
13 Study on the Risk of Truck Rear-end Collision in Continuous Downhill Section of Expressway 2022 Vol.16(4):92-101
ZOU Hai-yun, LIU Kai, ZHANG Chi, MA Ru-peng, WANG Bo [Abstract] (119) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2287 KB] (96)
14 Research on Parking Space Occupancy Recognition Based on MobileNet and Intelligent Parking Guidance Strategy 2022 Vol.16(3):78-84
GU Si-si, SUN Xiao-fei, WANG Miao, YU Jia-qing [Abstract] (152) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2500 KB] (95)
15 Study on Stability Numerical Simulation of Limestone Slope Based on Ground Penetrating Radar and Displacement Back Analysis 2022 Vol.16(4):23-32
WEN Shi-ru, WU Xia [Abstract] (152) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2955 KB] (95)
16 Study on Formation and Evolution Conditions of Co-Agglomeration between Manufacturing Industry and Logistics Industry Based on Endogenous Logistics Cost 2022 Vol.16(3):94-102
MA Hong-sheng, ZHAO Fang, YAN Yu-song [Abstract] (117) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 474 KB] (95)
17 Discussion on Curved-deck Cable-stayed Bridge with Sightseeing Tower 2022 Vol.16(3):34-40
ZHENG Ji-yan, WANG Wei-sheng, ZHAO Min-ru, LEI Qian-qian, WANG Li-jia [Abstract] (132) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2563 KB] (94)
18 Application of “Three-section and Four-step” Safety Treatment Technology for Tunnel Collapse 2022 Vol.16(4):61-72
WU Xue-zhi, LIU Qing-shu, HUANG Peng, ZHANG Dan, DAI Cheng-liang [Abstract] (178) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 6681 KB] (84)
19 Study on Spatial Distribution of Wind Speeds at Bridge Site in Coastal Open Area 2022 Vol.16(4):43-51
WANG Jun, LI Jia-wu, XIAO Tian-bao [Abstract] (156) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3423 KB] (83)
20 Research on BIM Model Decomposition, Component Hierarchy and Structural Organization Methods of Highway Conventional Bridges 2023 Vol.17(1):34-42
XIAO Chun-hong, ZHU Ming, YUAN Song [Abstract] (54) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 2064 KB] (80)
21 Numerical Simulation of on Mechanical Properties of New Precast Inverted Arch Joint in Highway Tunnel 2023 Vol.17(4):27-36
ZHANG Ya-peng, QU Long, LIU Jing-tang, YUAN Wen-guang, HAO Ying [Abstract] (39) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3486 KB] (72)
22 Optimized Location of Charging Piles for New Energy Electric Vehicles 2022 Vol.16(3):103-110
YI Xiao-shi, QI Bao-chuan, YI Zheng-jun [Abstract] (92) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 333 KB] (71)
23 Controlled Blasting Technology for Shallow-buried Large Section Tunnel below Susceptible Buildings in Coastal Stratum 2023 Vol.17(1):43-52
LI Gang [Abstract] (104) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1477 KB] (69)
24 Experimental Research on the Bearing Capacity of Steel and Concrete Joint Section in Hybrid Tower 2022 Vol.16(2):60-68
WANG Xue-feng, GUAN Da-yong, FENG Yu-long [Abstract] (87) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4373 KB] (68)
25 Research on Existing Problems and Solutions on Last Mile Logistics Under the Context of Rural Revitalization in China 2024 Vol.18(1):11-16
WANG Qiang, LI Yan-hong [Abstract] (34) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 276 KB] (68)
26 Study on the Prediction Model of Unfrozen Water Content and the Variation of Parameters in Silty Clay 2021 Vol.15(4):12-23
DENG Shi-lei, WAN Xu-sheng, LU Jian-guo, LI Shuang-yang, YAN Zhong-rui [Abstract] (67) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1054 KB] (66)
27 Endurance Time Analysis of the Bridges with Unbonded Prestressed Piers 2021 Vol.15(4):45-56
DU Xiao-lei, GE Hua [Abstract] (90) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 3306 KB] (64)
28 Study on Pedestrian Bridge with Flying-bird-shaped Arch Rib and Stayed-cable System 2021 Vol.15(4):83-89
CHENG Mei-xiao, ZHANG Hong-lei, XU Hao-wen [Abstract] (111) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 4784 KB] (60)
29 Calculation and Analysis of Load Stress on Typical Semi-rigid Base Asphalt Pavement 2022 Vol.16(4):16-22
HAO Guan-jun [Abstract] (156) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 648 KB] (60)
30 Research of Vehicle to Infrastructure System in Highway Operation Application 2022 Vol.16(4):73-77
GU Yan, ZHANG Ren-qian, SONG Jie [Abstract] (159) [HTML 0 KB][PDF 1441 KB] (60)
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