Fittability and Appearance of Brassiere Taking into Account Individual's Verge Line of Bust in Pattern Making |
Division of Kansei and Fashion Engineering, Institute for Fiber Engineering (IFES), Interdisciplinary
Cluster for Cutting Edge Research (ICCER), Shinshu University, Ueda, Nagano, 386-8567, Japan
Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University, Ueda, Nagano, 386-8567, Japan
Abstract To investigate the effect of the verge line on the appearance of brassieres, the difference in the verge lines of individuals with the same brassiere size was examined. A new method for designing a brassiere was proposed, taking into account the individual's verge line using a computerised pattern-making system. Three different brassieres were made by changing the verge line of three dummy models (nine different brassieres in total). It was found that the verge line of the bust could differ even for the same bust size. Brassiere patterns and brassieres were made using the proposed design method and it was found that the verge line affected the bust cup shape and the appearance of the brassiere.
Fund:This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellows and JSPS Kakenhi under grant number 24220012. |
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KyoungOk Kim,Rina Sakai,Masayuki Takatera. Fittability and Appearance of Brassiere Taking into Account Individual's Verge Line of Bust in Pattern Making[J]. Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, 2014, 7(3): 307-318.
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