Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics
Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics  2014, Vol. 7 Issue (3): 327-337    DOI: 10.3993/jfbi09201403
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Effect of Improperly Sized Shoes on Gait
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science & Technology, Shinshu University, DESCENTE LTD Faculty of Textile Science and Technology, Shinshu University
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Abstract  Although shoes are conventionally chosen based on the size indicated on the label, it is also possible to
accurately gauge foot size using a technique known as morphometry to measure the three-dimensional
shape of feet in a state of rest. However, because shoe sizes differ slightly for each shoe manufacturer
despite the use of a standardized labeling system, there is no guarantee that consumers will be able to
choose a pair of shoes that properly fit the size of their feet. Furthermore, some consumers are in the
habit of wearing larger shoes to accommodate the width of their feet. The purpose of this study was
to develop a quantitative understanding of the relationship between shoe size (foot length) and gait by
using techniques such as electromyogram of the lower leg, measurement of ground reaction force, and
subjective evaluation.
The subjects, five male university students with no history of leg injury, all had a foot length of 26.5
cm and a foot width of size D as defined by JIS standards. Prior to the experiment, the subjects' consent
were obtained after briefing them on anticipated risks and safety considerations, management of their
personal information, and other aspects of the study. Experimental samples consisted of a total of five
D-width shoes in sizes ranging from 26.0 cm to 28.0 cm, in 0.5 cm increments. Each subject was fitted
with an electromyogram measuring device on the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles on his right
leg, and a plantar pressure distribution measuring sheet was placed in each of the sample shoes. Each
subject took 10 strides while wearing each sample shoe along a predetermined route in the lab, under
which a device for measuring floor reaction force had been installed. After each subject had walked in
each shoe sample, they filled out a questionnaire on the sensations experienced while walking. When
the shoe size (foot length) was at least 1 cm longer than the subject's proper size, a significant increase
in activity by the gastrocnemius muscle was noted along with a significant decrease in the floor reaction
force value (F2) at kick-off. These changes were attributed to the psychological effects of factors such
as ease of kick-off. The findings suggest that the parameters used in this study, including muscular
activity level, floor reaction force peak value, and gait reproducibility, have the potential to serve as
useful indicators in evaluating the functional compatibility between shoe wearers and shoe size.
Key wordsShoe Size (Foot Length)      Gait      Lower Leg      Ground Reaction Force      Subjective Evaluation      Gastrocnemius      Tibialis Anterior     
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Articles by authors
Ryoma Hayashi
Satoshi Hosoya
Cite this article:   
Ryoma Hayashi,Satoshi Hosoya. Effect of Improperly Sized Shoes on Gait[J]. Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, 2014, 7(3): 327-337.
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