A Fast Rigid Registration Algorithm for Medical Images |
Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education Changchun 130012, China Department of Computer Science and Technology, Changchun 130012, China |
Abstract Image registration is a vital research branch in medical image processing and analysis. In this paper, we
proposed a new framework for rigid medical image registration. It can also be regarded as a pre-processing
of non-rigid image registration algorithms. The interest of the algorithm lies in its simplicity and high
e±ciency. In the registration algorithm, we firstly segmented the reference image and float image into
two parts: tissue parts and background parts. Then the centers of the two images were located through
performing distance transform on the two segmented tissue images. Finally, we detected the longest
radius of the two tissue regions, by which we determined the rotating angle. We tested the registration
algorithm on dozens of medical images, and the experimental results show us that the algorithm is
competent for medical image registration.
The authors would like to express our gratitude to the editors and anonymous reviewers for their
comments and suggestions. The work is supported by Technology Development Plan of Jilin
Province with the contract number 20090468, 20100508, 201105017.
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Yuncong Feng,Xiongfei Li,Xiaoli Zhang, et al. A Fast Rigid Registration Algorithm for Medical Images[J]. Journal of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics, 2014, 7(3): 409-418.
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