Learning Block Group Sparse Representation Combined with Convolutional Neural Networks for RGB-D Object Recognition
College of Information, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
Abstract RGB-D (Red, Green and Blue-Depth) cameras are novel sensing systems that can improve image
recognition by providing high quality color and depth information in computer vision. In this paper we
propose a model to study feature representation of combined Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and
Block Group Sparse Coding (BGSC). Firstly, CNN is used to extract low-level features from raw RGB-
D images directly by applying unsupervised algorithm. Then, BGSC is used to obtain higher feature
representation for classification by incorporating both the group structure for low-level features and the
block structure for the dictionary in subsequent learning processes. Experimental results show that the
CNN-BGSC approach has higher accuracy on a household RGB-D object dataset by linear predictive
classifier than using Convolutional and Recursive Neural Networks (CNN-RNN), Group Sparse Coding
(GSC), and Sparse Representation base Classification (SRC).
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Shuqin Tu,Yueju Xue,Jinfeng Wang, et al. Learning Block Group Sparse Representation Combined with Convolutional Neural Networks for RGB-D Object Recognition
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