A Batch-mode Active Learning Method Based on the Nearest Average-class Distance (NACD) for Multiclass Brain-Computer Interfaces
State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment & System Security and New Technology
School of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK
Abstract In this paper, a novel batch-mode active learning method based on the nearest average-class distance
(ALNACD) is proposed to solve multi-class problems with Linear Discriminate Analysis (LDA) classifiers.
Using the Nearest Average-class Distance (NACD) query function, the ALNACD algorithm selects
a batch of most uncertain samples from unlabeled data to improve gradually pre-trained classifiers'
performance. As our method only needs a small set of labeled samples to train initial classifiers, it is
very useful in applications like Brain-computer Interface (BCI) design. To verify the effectiveness of the
proposed ALNACD method, we test the ALNACD algorithm on the Dataset 2a of BCI Competition IV.
The test results show that the ALNACD algorithm offers similar classification results using less sample
labeling effort than Random Sampling (RS) method. It also provides competitive results compared with
active Support Vector Machine (active SVM), but uses less time than the active SVM in terms of the
Fund:Project supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities in China (Project No. CD-
JZR13150010) and National \111" Plan Project (B08036).
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Minyou Chen,Xuemin Tan,John Q.Gan, et al. A Batch-mode Active Learning Method Based on the Nearest Average-class Distance (NACD) for Multiclass Brain-Computer Interfaces
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