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JFBI -> 2020, Volume 13 Issue 4, 31 December 2020  
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Relationship between Stretchability of Garment Lining and Ease of Body Movement
Yosuke Horiba, Haruka Uehara, Satoshi Takatera, Shigeru Inui
JFBI. 2020, 13 (4): 169-179.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00363
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In this study, the effect of the stretchability of garment linings on the ease of body movement was examined experimentally. For this purpose, three types of women's jackets with different linings were used: 1) a jacket with stretchable linings along the back and side panels, 2) a jacket with stretchable linings along the sides, and 3) a jacket with standard linings of a stretch-resistant material. During the experiment, subjects wearing these jackets were instructed to abduct both arms at 90° and then adduct them 90° along a horizontal plane. To clarify the ease of body movements during this motion, a sensory evaluation was performed. Additionally, the extension of the jacket samples during these movements was measured using displacement sensors, and the tension generated in these samples was estimated based on the tensile properties of the material. Further, the effect on clothing pressure, which is known to be closely related to ease of body movement, was also examined. The experimental results confirmed that subjects experienced greater ease of body movement when donning jackets with linings that stretched more easily, which helped minimize the tension generated in the material and the clothing pressure. In addition, compared with the sample employing stretchable linings along the sides,the sample with stretchable linings both along the back and the sides afforded greater ease of body movement and less tension and clothing pressure. As samples with stretchable materials require less force for deformation during motion, wearers stated that they experienced greater ease of movement.Based on these observations, it was concluded that employing stretchable material throughout the jacket lining is an effective approach for producing garments offering greater ease of body movement.

SARS-CoV-2: Brief History and Molecular Biology
Sajid Faheem, Muhammad Shah Nawaz ul Rehman, Nazia Nahid,Jiri Militky, Jakub Wiener
JFBI. 2020, 13 (4): 181-194.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00362
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The COVID-19 pandemic started in early December 2019. It appeared first time in People Republic of China and spread worldwide infecting more than 50 million people till today. The disease caused more than one million deaths worldwide and still the threat is present. The acute pneumonia resulting in severe respiratory syndromes are typical symptoms of novel coronavirus. End of the COVID-19 pandemic is unpredictable. In this project, development of vaccine and early diagnosis of the disease is proposed. Currently, there is no proper vaccine for this disease. However, preventive measures are the only solutions for this typical disease. The origin of COVID-19 can be traced back to bat coronavirus, where it is almost to 97% identical to existing strains. However, due to unique furin cleavage site the novel human coronavirus is spreading at alarming rate. This article is discusses the history, classification, characterization and epidemics of viruses especially the coronaviruses.

Ergonomic Design of Shoes for People with Lower Limb Disability

Piao-Piao Liu, Hai-Qiao Huang
JFBI. 2020, 13 (4): 195-209.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00357
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Based on ergonomics, this paper analyzes the foot structure, physiological and psychological needs of people with lower limb disability, and applies the concept of ergonomics to design, so as to optimize the functionality of shoes in terms of easy wear (putting clothes on and off), comfort, stability and protection. The ergonomic design scheme presented in this paper could provide shoes for them that conform to their foot structure and behavior characteristics, which are really comfortable and healthy.At the same time, it can also provide a more e±cient and feasible design direction for the market, which has certain value for the further in-depth development and application.

Finite Element Simulation of the Dynamic Pressure Distribution of A Typical Compression Sports Bra During Wearing
Chang-Lin Zhu, Wu Long, Bo-An Ying, Jing Qi
JFBI. 2020, 13 (4): 211-219.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00346
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In order to study the pressure comfort of women in the process of wearing a typical compression sports bra, a simulation model was established using the finite element method to simulate women wear a typical compression sports bra, and the contact analysis of the human chest and the sports bra during the wearing process, Obtain the dynamic pressure changes during the wearing of the sports bra. In order to obtain a more accurate pressure value, the human body model is simplified into four layers, namely skin layer, fat layer, muscle layer, and bone layer. The skin layer and sports bra model are obtained through the method of reverse modeling, and then through the deletion calculation Generate adipose layer, muscle layer, bone layer and breast structure. The simulation results show: the pressure distribution between the sports bra and the human body: the pressure value at the human breast is 0.67Kpa-1.87Kpa, the shoulder pressure is 1.87Kpa-3.68Kpa, and the pressure at the bending part is 1.13Kpa-1.74Kpa. The pressure of the back shoulder strap and the part that is in contact with the human body is relatively uniform, ranging from 0.54Kpa-1.14Kpa. The experimental data in the literature proves that the finite element model is effective and reasonable.

Modelling and Simulation of Heat and Moisture Transfer in Human-chemical Protective Clothing-environment System
Zhan-Keng Zhang, Feng-Zhi Li, Xiao-Qun Dai, Hong-Qin Dai
JFBI. 2020, 13 (4): 221-240.   DOI: 10.3993/jfbim00349
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A novel model of heat and moisture transfer in human-chemical protective clothing-environment is proposed to predict the human physiological regulatory response wearing chemical protective clothing (CPC). The human thermal model is developed by dividing the skin node into multiple segments based on the Gagge's 2 node model. The CPC is discretized into multiple control volumes and the control volume-time domain finite difference method is utilized to compute the temperature of the clothing. The CFD simulation method is employed to calculate the heat and moisture transfer of natural convection in the air gap between human and CPC. The air gap model is coupled with the human model and the CPC model by exchanging boundary conditions. The predictions of human heat stress obtained by the model agree well with the published experimental data. The results indicate that the condensation heat transfer mechanism in CPC changes with the thickness of air gap. When the thickness of the air gap is small, the condensation heat transfer is mainly based on diffusion. When the air gap is thicker, the condensation heat transfer is dominated by the `heat pipe effect'. Compared with large changes in ambient temperature, the impact of ambient temperature on human temperature is not very great due to good air tightness and large thermal resistance of CPC, but that on sweating rate, moisture accumulated on the skin and moisture run off from the skin is great. Finally, based on the analysis of the results, the guidelines for the design of CPC are given.

Table of Contents - JFBI Vol 13 No 4
JFBI. 2020, 13 (4): 1000-.
Full Text: PDF (33 KB)  ( 13 )
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JFBI Vol 13 No 4 Cover
JFBI. 2020, 13 (4): 1001-.
Full Text: PDF (1091 KB)  ( 13 )
Show Abstract ( 85 )

ISSN 1940-8676
JFBI is Ei Indexed Journal
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Yi Li
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